The Sword of Damocles

Yesterday, I discussed the use of liberal extortion to gain power for themselves by invoking the Sword of Damocles in a crisis to coerce action.  There was a NPR article that discussed the usage of the term, which I briefly commented on.  Today, I want to provide a fuller explanation of the term.  Continue reading “The Sword of Damocles”

liberal extortion: an overview

So, in my previous post on the movement of college extortion, I started off by saying that liberals are the party of extortionists AND that extortion is a crime.  I won’t re-hash that here, but my thinking is that this is a good way to draw a dichotomy between the liberals and conservatives.

Liberals want power from the people and conservatives want to en-power the people.

Liberals Advancing Their Power

There are multiple topics where we see liberals extorting—i.e., using the threat of fear to get one to do that which they would not normally do—Americans to implement their agenda that give them power.  Ozone controversy in the 1980s.  Global warming of the 1990s and when that didn’t happen, now its climate change.  Affordable Care Act passage to read the bill.  Debt crises–we have to extend the debt or default and we’ll talk about the “solution” later.  These are plenty of examples we can learn from, but to understand how liberals extort the American public to gain power, lets look at Rahm Emmanuel’s favorite saying, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

This is the essence of liberal extortion.   Continue reading “liberal extortion: an overview”

collegiate extortion

The Left is good at extortion.  Period.

But what is extortion?  Wikipedia defines it as:

obtaining money, property, or services from a person, entity, individual or institution, through coercion

and coercion is defined as:

the practice of compelling a person or manipulating them to behave in an involuntary way (whether through action or inaction) by use of threats, intimidation, trickery, or some other form of pressure or force.

So, extortion does not have to involve the use of force.  It does not even have to involve any threat that is real or true, the only qualifier is that the victim of extortion believes that the extorting party is going to make good on their threats.

Continue reading “collegiate extortion”

California’s Water Crisis

Half Full or Half Empty?

I think that the California water crisis is sad, but I had this thought the other day: it is the Left’s own doing.  For now the mantra is that the water crisis is all the farmer’s fault because they are allowed to use as much water as they want.  (See here for a good analysis of this myth.)

The real problem is the left.  The environmentalists.  Using the same tactic of “protecting the environment” they don’t want to allow the building of new resevoirs to contain ground water runoff and use it for human and agricultural consumption.  This was widely reported with Gov. Brown made his historic declaration on water restrictions.  However, the blame has now shifted to the farmers. Continue reading “California’s Water Crisis”

the byline says it all…

Fascinating piece here from the Financial Times that presents a real challenge to Hillary Clinton’s aspiration to be the next President of the United States: her feeling of entitlement to the office.  She is going to have to work at it.

Now, before you jump down my throats as being another right-wing conspiracy theorist who hates women, let me explain what I mean.  The article’s byline says it all:

She cannot expect to shift the gender gap simply by declaring her election would make history

Continue reading “the byline says it all…”